Low-cost Dental Care Clinic: June 24, 9 am to 5 pm
Children's Dental Services will provide low-cost dental services on Friday June 24th 9-5 at myHealth.org, 15 8th Avenue South Hopkins, MN 55343. Click here for more information.

Creative Arts and Nature Camp June 20 - July 1
“Council of Wild Whales and Elephants”
We will be joining the singing whales and trumpeting elephants this year in celebrating life and healthy relationships. These great wise beings, who can communicate with each other even at very long distances, have much to teach us about play, loving kindness, and community.
No matter what role we choose every year at camp, we discover the universal themes of Be Kind and Love Your Neighbor and that every one of us, creatures great or small, belong and are a gift to the world.
For more information see the Minnesota Interfaith Power and Light Website

St. Luke participates in "Blessed Ramadan" campaign
The Minnesota Council of Churches has provided St. Luke with 50 yard signs who our support for our Muslim neighbors. We are also invited to dinners celebrating the fast-breaking feast, called an Iftar Dinner. Find more information here!

Dicussion on Celtic Christianity: June 5, 12, 19 and 26
Plan now to join the discussion beginning on June 5 and continuing each Sunday in June at 9:15 a.m. on the book, Christ of the Celts by John Philip Newell. We will discuss two chapters each week and the conversation will be facilitated by Anita Bradshaw. The schedule for each Sunday is below. Books can be ordered at local booksellers or from online outlets. There are a few copies through the public libraries. This is a wonderful and poetic book designed to help us rethink many of the notions about Christianity we were raised with and give us a new way to understand and interpret. Join us for a fun, lively, and enriching conversation!
June 5: Chapters 1 and 2
June 12: Chapters 3 and 4
June 19: Chapters 5 and 6
June 26: Chapters 7 and 8

June's Change-for-Change
Our Change for Change recipient for the month of June is the Tibetan American Foundation of Minnesota. TAFM was formed in 1992 to aid the resettlement of Tibetan refugees in Minnesota admitted to the US under a special act of Congress. These special immigrants were not eligible for public assistance funds. There are now over 3000 Tibetans living in the Twin Cities, the second largest concentration in the US. TAFM promotes the rich Tibetan cultural heritage under the leadership of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Programs include youth language, music and dance classes, plus support for new arrivals and other Tibetans needing assistance. TAFM also disseminates information regarding those now living in China-controlled Tibet.
All coins and bills put in the red envelope in the collection basket will go to TAFM. In addition, you are encouraged to write a check. This month put "Tibet" in the memo line.

In the Wider Community: Acting on Faith/Investing in Potential
Acting On Faith
Join a powerful collaboration of congregations at Acting on Faith: Investing in Potential, Beacon’s action-oriented, inspiring gathering to hold our elected decision makers accountable. This year’s Acting on Faith will highlight the value of supportive housing to help people who have experienced homelessness regain stability and reclaim their lives. For questions about the gathering, contact Chelsea Stanton (cstanton@beaconinterfaith.org or 651-789-6260 ext. 201). Please register online at beaconinterfaith.org/acting-faith.
Acting on Faith: Investing in Potential
Date: Thursday, May 12, 2016
Time: 7:00-8:30 pm, check in opens at 6:30
Place: St. Mary’s University Center, 2540 Park Avenue, Minneapolis

St. Luke Book Group: Wednesday, May 11, 9:30 am
June Maple will host this month’s book group discussion of “Leaving Time” in St. Luke’s Garden Court. Here’s the Booklist review: “Best-selling, reliably entertaining, and thought-provoking Picoult's newest multifaceted novel is redolent with elephant lore that explores the animals' behavior when faced with death and grief, and combines a poignant tale of human loss with a perplexing crime story that delivers a powerhouse ending.”