
Whether or not you become a formal member at St. Luke, you are welcome here.

Being involved is the best way to get to know St. Luke and its members. Potential new members are invited to meet one-on-one with our pastor. When folks are ready to join, a simple, graceful joining ceremony is done during a Sunday morning service, where new members affirm their commitment to our faith values of justice, equity, and love.

Membership allows you a vote at our congregational meetings where we pass our budget each year, as well as make decisions for pastoral leadership. As a member, you would be eligible to serve on our Session, a governing body of members that meets monthly to conduct the business of the church. Members are able to use our spaces - as available - and present to our congregation at Adult Education forums.

The process of membership includes three brief classes which give an orientation to St. Luke and what being a progressive Christian is about. There are no mandatory fees associated with membership. New members who have never been baptized are asked to do so before formal membership.

For more information, contact Pastor Zach.