St. Luke’s Response to the Threats Against the Oppressed and Marginalized

We had an inspiring, well-attended brain-storming session during the February 9, 2025, Adult Ed session about how St. Luke should respond to the threats posed by the current administration against the oppressed and marginalized and to democracy itself. We will be looking to partner with existing organizations that have experience and expertise in each of these areas.

Transgender Protection

Moderate estimates are that well over a hundred thousand trans people (individuals, couples, trans parents with children, and straight parents with trans children) are fleeing red states. We will be working with Transmission Ministries and other organizations to help with the resettlement of these refugees. We wish to offer a soft-landing place for folks, offering temporary housing (ideally in people’s homes), help in finding permanent housing and employment, and providing emotional support.

To get involved, contact Christina Gregory.

Immigrant Protection

An estimated 80,000 Minnesotans are vulnerable immigrants and live with the constant threat of deportation. We wish to join with other communities of faith who are already rising up to find ways to help. We will investigate what it would mean to once again become a sanctuary church and what legal risks we would be taking on.

To get involved, contact Judy Schlichting.

Support of Our Long-Term Organizational Partners

Many of our long-term partners now face added threats. These organizations include Beacon Interfaith Housing Collaborative, the Division of Indian Work, ICA Food Shelf, Interfaith Power and Light, Pine Ridge Reservation, and 21st Century Academy

To get involved, contact Gail Nordhaus.

Political Advocacy

We seek to keep the congregation regularly informed about actions that individuals can take. We will offer training and practice sessions on how to make legislative phone calls and will invite Representative Kelly Morrison to meet with us.

To get involved, contact Cathy Murphy.

Internal Community Building

Relying on community is one of the key ways in which all of us are going to get through the coming tumultuous years. And as Zach has said, one of the best ways to deepen relationships is to waste time together. We are going to be creating more opportunities for us to gather together simply to have fun. We welcome your ideas.

To get involved, contact Marcia Yockers.

Promotion of St. Luke

At a time when our country has been taken over by Christian Nationalists and the very notion of what it means to be Christian is being so perverted, we need to shout from the mountaintops that we are a different kind of faith community, one that is unapologetically progressive and that stands in solidarity with the oppressed.

To get involved, contact Doug Freeman.

Call to Action

The Trump administration is dismantling the function of the federal U.S. government in an unprecedented (and perhaps illegal) manner. The changes that are being made hurt the most vulnerable in our nation and world and contradict Jesus’ Gospel command to love our neighbors and care for “the least of these.”

One of the longstanding core values of St. Luke is to take action in the face of injustice. And one of the simplest and most necessary forms of taking action is to express your opposition to unjust governance to your elected officials. So, right now we ask all members of St. Luke to call or write a physical letter, at least weekly, to our elected officials in the federal government. The smart phone app 5 Calls is an easy way to call your congress people that gives you a synopsis of present issues and some talking points. In this part of Minnesota, our officials are:

Senator Amy Klobuchar

425 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington DC 20510
(202) 224-3244

Senator Tina Smith

720 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington DC 20510
(202) 224-5641

Rep. Kelly Morrison (District 3)

1205 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-2871

Rep. Betty McCollum (District 4)

2426 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-6631

Rep. Ilhan Omar (District 5)

1730 Longworth HOB
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-4755

Rep. Tom Emmer (District 6)

326 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-2331

Some St. Lukers live in other congressional districts, so please contact the congressperson in whose district you reside.

Presbyterian Advocacy Hour

Fourth Wednesday of each month on Zoom at 11 a.m. Central Time

Presbyterian Advocacy Hour will bring together committed people of faith to fuel up with information on the most pressing issues. Church members, lay leaders, pastors, mid-council staff, all Presbyterians and friends are welcome! Get nourishment for your spirit, essential connections and resources, relationship building, and direction on how to stay in righteous movement while being your best self. 
Each month we’ll dive deeply into one area of concern and provide the knowledge you need to take effective and focused action. The hour will start with spiritual grounding and then move to in-depth analysis of key issues. There will be an additional optional 30 minutes for time to network, movement-building, community-building, and feedback on helping to shape what you need from these monthly advocacy hours.
To register, please click here.