Session Meeting report: February 11, 2025
/Items reported and discussed include:
The Pastor Nominating Committee continues to meet and receive applications from candidates for our new pastor.
Treasurer Don Davies spoke to the Session about the St. Luke Legacy Program and the new procedures for accepting donations as well as procedures for approval of donation funding requests.
There will be adult education sessions in March dealing with St. Luke’s response to political and social turmoil happening in the country right now.
There will be a tree service that will be working on pruning and cutting down trees that are a safety hazard, and another firm will hopefully be planting new oak trees to replace the ones we’ve lost.
There will be an Ash Wednesday service on Wednesday, March 5 at 7 p.m. with a soup supper at 6 p.m.
On Local Branch Sunday (formerly known as Palm Sunday) children will be participating in the processional.
On Easter Sunday, there will be an Easter Egg Hunt starting at9:45 am. Members and visitors are encouraged to bring their children or grandchildren to church that day for the event.
The Change for Change offering in April will be going to Transmission Ministry, an organization for which former associate pastor Nora Elliot was one of the staff members.
Please be open to serving as a Deacon if you’re asked. We may need five deacons to take the places of folks whose terms have ended.
After the large crowd that attended the Performing Arts Series concert at St. Luke on January 26, we discussed the need to have better signs in the building to let visitors know where to find things in the building such as the restrooms and church office.
A good amount of time was spent discussing the “How Do We Respond” session held during the Adult Education time last Sunday morning. For more information and to get involved, please see this link.