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On-line Holiday Season Fair Trade Sales

St. Luke will not be having its annual fair trade bazaar in the Garden Court this year, but we heartily encourage our members and their families and friends to visit the websites of our beloved vendors, so that they can learn more about their activities, and how to purchase items online, or else donate to good causes.  Here are websites, and some brief info about each.   awesome Latin American merchandise    great fair trade items, from West Africa and elsewhere    our church’s fair trade coffee vendor for years now: 1 lb. bags, regular and decafs, beans and ground    great chocolate and cocoa products, also available at Lakewinds Co-op   Mindful Generations fosters sustainable agriculture and small businesses in Haiti; great craft items   Beverly Larkin of Liberty Church/Northside Healing Space will be selling her natural products - link and product descriptions to be provided soon.    Native American items for sale.   Haitian-made clay beadwork for sale, with the help of Minnesota native Diane Schwieters. 

Later Event: November 15
Adult Ed with Jan Callison