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Solidarity and Supplies: Partnering with the DIW

  • St. Luke Presbyterian Church 3121 Groveland School Road Minnetonka (map)

You know that many people are suffering in this challenging time. You may not know that urban Native people are having an even harder time. The Division of Indian Work (DIW) serves the needs of the Native urban community in Minneapolis. Their mission is to support and strengthen urban American Indian people through culturally-based education, traditional healing approaches, and leadership development.

St. Luke Presbyterian Church has a long-standing partnership with the Division of Indian Work, and we are inviting our suburban communities to pitch in and help - neighbors helping neighbors. On your next trip to a grocery store, you can help by purchasing critically needed items (see list below) and then dropping them off at St. Luke’s convenient location (3121 Groveland School Road; behind Groveland School), and we will take care of the rest.

We will be accepting donated items 6 times during October, November, and December. Just remember the third Thursday (5:30-6:45) and the third Saturday (11:30-1:00). The dates are October 15 and 17, November 19 and 21, December 17 and 19. We will be there waiting for you! And DIW will be happy to have essential supplies to pass out to those who critically need them.

To arrange for another drop-off date, call the church office at 952-473-7378 (and leave a message).

You can make a difference in people’s lives! Please share this invitation with your friends and family.

List of Critically Needed Supplies

Cleaning Supplies:
disinfectant wipes
disinfectant spray
hand sanitizer
dish soap
laundry detergent

Baby Supplies:
baby formula

Hygiene Items (full size, not travel):
hand lotion
shampoo & conditioner
bar soap & liquid hand soap
body wash
toothbrush & toothpaste
razor blades & shaving cream
feminine products