“A Timeless Love” is the story of Harvey, a man whose wife (Mary) has early onset Alzheimer’s disease. The film shows the effects of the disease not only on Mary, but also the entire family and their community. While the film portrays the realities of the disease, it focuses most of its attention on the tireless work of caregivers.
Discussion Panelists include:
• Kim Meshbesher, wife of Ron Meshbesher; who battled Alzheimer’s Disease
• Lori La Bey, CEO and Founder of Alzheimer’s Speaks
• Ian Leonard, Meteorologist and Alzheimer’s Advocate
Saturday, October 19, 2019
2:00 – 3:30 p.m. Showtime
3:30 – 4:30 p.m. Panel Discussion
St. Luke Presbyterian Church
3121 Groveland School Rd. | Minnetonka, MN
RSVP Required: khardyc1@fairview.org 952.746.8562 or cbenso12@fariview.org 612.200.2067
Sponsored by Trails of Orono, Deephaven Woods Senior Living and St. Luke Presbyterian Church