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Faith Communities Workshop, November 11 - 12

Join others from many Faith Communities for this upcoming workshop November 11-12

Springhouse Ministry Center, 610 West 28th St, Minneapolis, MN 55408

The 1 in 5 Americans who live with a mental health condition and are often stigmatized, feared, shunned or suffer silently are afraid to share their stories or are unable to access the resources they need.  As communities of faith, how do we address these issues and minister to those who need help?  How can we turn our faith communities into safe havens where those welcomed, loved and cared for.

Explore these questions and more. Keynote speaker and UCC pastor, Sarah Griffith Lund, who has a depth of experience with mental health issues, will dispel the major myths and teach us how to build communities of faith that are welcoming, inclusive, supportive and engaged.  Mental health experts and community partners will give us the knowledge, tools and resources to provide this important ministry in our diverse contexts.

More info and to register:

Cost is $25 both days or $15 one day (includes meals).  CEUS given through United Theological Seminary

Interested in carpooling or scholarship information. Contact Lynn Cox