St. Luke will be opening for Indoor Small Group and Outdoor Gatherings

See the guidelines here.

We’re still discerning how best to proceed in the coming days and weeks, and the situation can change any time, but here are some ways we’ll “be the church” in this uncommon time:

First and foremost, we want to hear from you. Are there logistical, care or connecting needs that any of you have at this time?

We will be offering an interactive online worship experience each Sunday, at 10:30 am, on our Facebook page (click here & visit and on YouTube (St. Luke on YouTube). The video will remain up, in case the time doesn’t work for you. You do not need a Facebook account to join the worship experience, but you do need a free account if you want to join the live chat.

We will be hosting digital gatherings with a bit of software called Zoom. It is very user friendly and allows people anywhere in the world to connect with video and audio.

All our digital offerings can be found on this summary.

On-line Worship Schedule

Day Event Time Format Details

Sunday         Adult Ed & Discussion                 9:15 am        ZOOM   
                                                                                                                    ID: 325 706 355
                                                                                                                    Dial in +1 312 626 6799
                                                                                                                     pw:  contact staff
                    Worship Live Watch Party        10:30 am         Facebook
                                                                                            YouTube           St Luke on YouTube

Monday       Sermon Podcast Updated                                   

Second Thoughts

We want to offer what’s most helpful to our community, so we’d love to hear from you. Please let me or any of our staff/Session leaders know. My email is Our staff and Session will naturally be navigating many decisions in the coming days regarding programming and operations. I will be working with our Deacons and BeFrienders to develop a coordinated care and compassion response for our members and wider community. We will strive to keep everyone well informed and up to date (without flooding your inbox, we hope).

Friends, we’ve an interesting and uncertain road ahead of us. Let us take the challenges at hand as an opportunity to find new ways to care for one another and those made vulnerable in this difficult time.

Grace, peace, patience and care to you all,

Rev. Brennan Blue

on behalf of the staff, Session, Deacons and HR of St. Luke Presbyterian Church

All are Welcome Here

St. Luke Presbyterian Church is a joyful, inclusive and compassionate community on a spiritual journey seeking to do justice, make peace, act mercifully, and to walk humbly with God. We envision a world in which all are welcome at the table of God’s abundance, all creation flourishes in balance and wholeness, and all live in peace. Join us Sunday mornings as we reflect and prepare for the week ahead. 

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