Advent 2017
Mark your calendars now for a wonderful Advent and Christmas season at St. Luke. Our theme for the season is “Choosing Hope.” In this time of frustration, fear, and violence, we must make a conscious choice to claim the hope that our faith offers us. Hope that God is with us — Emmanuel. Hope that justice will prevail. Hope that despite the daily news, there is still goodness in the world and in people. Hope that the little baby we celebrate on Christmas Day and who will grow up to the very radical Jesus continues to bring a message of hope to a world that desperately needs it. Each Sunday we will celebrate the tradition of the Advent wreath focused on hope. We are inviting families to light the wreath and lead us in that liturgy.
Our plan for the season is:
December 3: First Sunday of Advent — Presentation of the Senior Pastor Candidate by the PNC. A congregational meeting to elect the new Senior Pastor will be held immediately after worship. (See material elsewhere in Challenge and in the eBlasts.)
December 10: Second Sunday of Advent — Presentation of the Associate Pastor Candidate and the Children’s Christmas Pageant led by our children under the direction of Randy Schumacher. A congregational meeting to elect the new Associate Pastor will be held immediately after worship. (See material in upcoming eBlasts.)
December 17: Third Sunday of Advent — The service will led by our choir and will include a “Messiah” sing-a-long. We will also dedicate the new signs against gun violence for the church doors and celebrate the ending of Bob Haskin’s formal ministry at St. Luke as Pastoral Associate.
December 24: (10:30 am) Fourth Sunday of Advent — A simple service marking the close of the Advent season and the beginning of Christmas.
December 24: (4:00 pm) Christmas Eve — St. Luke’s annual celebration of Christmas with Lessons and Carols led by the choir and including a special Time with Children.